Participación comunitaria y redes lideradas por residentes

The Strategy Group is a member of the Network Weavers Consultants Network and will work with your organization to identify and implement different strategies to engage community members in important dialogue and planning efforts to collaboratively improve conditions in communities. At the core of our approach is the principle that all voices must be heard and that we ensure that vulnerable and disadvantaged residents have a equal place at the table of power.

Dr. Moore's work at the REACH Healthcare Foundation resulted in a new model for engaging communities and was highlighted in the video below and the resultant publication -  Community Innovation Network Framework

Models such as the Community Innovation Network Framework for engaging community to solve problems, identify innovations and solutions to pressing issues can be adapted to your community. A range of Strategy Group supports is available to facilitate and advance your community work.

Our current work in central Texas has focused on catalyzing a community health and wellbeing network with more than 100 network weavers and now includes more than 1,500 community residents and organizational leaders. Here is a link to a brief article about this work 

Published on Nov 16, 2016

William P. Moore, Ph.D, former Vice-President at the REACH Healthcare Foundation introduces the article, "Community Innovation Network Framework: A Model for Reshaping Community Identity," co-written with Adena M. Klem, Ph.D., Cheryl L. Holmes, M.P.A., June Holley, M.A., M.Ed., and Carlie Houchen, B.S., M.P.H.. Published in The Foundation Review, Vol. 8 Issue 3. Special Issue, The Future of Community. Read the open access article at

Click here for more information about webinars and training focused on Community Networks.